’87 Foreign Press Center Briefing – Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Lawrence Koss, Jamie Shandera & Budd Hopkins

Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, a Navy physicist and chairman of the Fund for U.F.O. Research,…

Project Blue Book: The Alleged 1964 UFO Landing in Harrisonburg, Virginia

On December 21, 1964, Horace Burns, a gunsmith from Harrisonburg, Virginia, reported an extraordinary sighting…

The Flying Saucers are Real by Donald E. Keyhoe, Fawcett Publications, 1950 (Public Domain)

"The Flying Saucers are Real" by Donald E. Keyhoe is a seminal work in the…

Scientists Challenge Air Force Regarding UFOs

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on Nov. 13, 1997. It is part of…

The UFO Challenge

The following was written by Stanton Friedman in December 1997. It is part of The…

Flatwoods Monster UFO Event

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on December 15, 2002 and updated January 2011.…

Petition, UFOs, White House and Lies

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on November 11, 2011. It is part of…

Peter Jennings Program

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on March 3, 2005. It is part of…

The UFO “WHY?” Questions

The following was written by Stanton Friedman in November 2006. It is part of The…

Stanton Friedman Slams Author of Roswell Initiative

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on July 21, 1997. It is part of…