10 Red-Orange Objects Fly SSE & Simultaneously Vanish – Cocoa, Florida

Location of Sighting: Cocoa, Florida Date of Sighting: April 6, 2017 Time of Sighting: 8:05…

2 Women Have Close Encounter With Spherical Shaped Object in Juneau, Alaska

Location of Sighting: Juneau, Alaska Date of Sighting: March 31, 2017 Time of Sighting: 10…

Analysis of Soil Samples from the Travis Walton Abduction Site (Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Near Heber Arizona)

Background The Travis Walton abduction is well known to most people reading this. Suffice to…

UFO Descends And Lands Within Two Miles Of My Home

Witness Testimony This video was captured within two miles of my home in Las Vegas,…

Man Videotapes UFO in Peru, then in Virginia

This case was first submitted to UFO Casebook. It is republished on The Black Vault,…

SAS in Alien Riddle: Troops saw “four little grey men” Walk into Ambush – then Vanish

The following witness testimonial was obtained by UFO Casebook and is used here, with permission.…

Unknown Flying Object Videotaped over Pittsburgh

Witness Testimony I was taking my dog outside. I first noticed the object because it…

Analysis of an unknown White Fibrous Substance, aka ‘Angel Hair’, Deposited by Barbell-Shaped UFOs (Illinois, November, 4, 2016)

Background Two witnesses observed barbell-shaped UFOs dispensing white filament-like material. The account as written by…