Man Says He Encountered Unknown Entities During Night

Date of Sighting: July 13, 2010 Time of Sighting: Early Morning Hours Location of Sighting:…

Man Recalls Terrifying Encounter With Unknown Entities

Date of Sighting: July 26 (or 27), 2010 Time of Sighting: Between Midnight and 3…

Woman Has Terrifying Experience During Middle of Night

Date of Sighting: August 28, 2010 Time of Sighting: 2 to 4 AM CDT Location…

Woman Sees Blue Lights. Has Missing Time Episode

Date of Sighting: August 30, 2010 Time of Sighting: 10:55 PM to Midnight CDT Location…

Mysterious Glowing UFO Filmed Over Central Bakersfield, California

The following was published on April 16, 2015, by the Inquisitr: Residents reported spotting a…

UFO spotted in field in Colemans Hatch

By East Grinstead Courier IT WAS almost a case for the X-Files' Mulder and Scully,…

Pilot Recalls Chasing a Dull Silver Flying Saucer

Date of Sighting: June 20, 1987 Time of Sighting: 12:15 PM Local Time Date Reported:…

Pilot Recalls Close Encounter With “Unconventional Flying Object”

Date of Sighting: January 3, 1988 Time of Sighting: 3:30 PM EST Location of Sighting:…

Continental Airlines Flight Passes Close to Unknown Object Near Airport

Date of Sighting: May 26, 2008 (Memorial Day) Time of Sighting: Around 10:30 AM CDT…

Pilot Sees Unknown Object on Approach to Airport

Date of Sighting: July 18, 2008 Time of Sighting: 12:25 AM PDT Date Sighting Reported:…