Very Strange Dark Aerial Object Captured on Photo

Description: Hello: Over the weekend my parents were out on a ranch in Naples, Florida. My…

Alien Autopsy Video (Released 3-2008) In March of 2008, a video appeared on YouTube of an alleged Alien Autopsy.…

Photo of Ghost or Evil Spirit taken while serving in Iraq

The following was submitted anonymously to The Black Vault: This image was taken on 8th…

Mysterious Face-Like Rock or Statue on Mars

Note from The Black Vault:  The image in this case file was discovered while digging…

The Lake Tiorati UFO, 1966

The west side of the Hudson River, three fishermen noticed an unusual circular metallic flying…

Angel Sighting Before Major Surgery

Back in 2007 one man named Scott from Rockford, Michigan told a site devoted to…

Stick Like Alien Creature Climbing Building in Russia

A new video has surfaced from Russia of some kind of an insectoid alien climbing…

Unknown Object hovered 45 min then slowly decended then headed SW

Eyewitness testimony: I was coming home about 1855 when I pulled into my driveway. Above…

Levitating Rock on the Surface of Mars? Captured in 2 Angles

Official NASA Captions: Photograph NRB_444283128EDR_F0260000NCAM00251M_.JPG - This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA's…

The Claims of former Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist Boyd Bushman

Case File Status: Hoax Background In 2014, a video surfaced on the internet, that largely…