Author: John Greenewald

Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, a Navy physicist and chairman of the Fund for U.F.O. Research, along with Mr. Lawrence Koss, Mr. Jamie Shandera, and Mr. Budd Hopkins, author of “Missing Time” and “Intruders,” provided an on-the-record briefing on June 25, 1987. They discussed the topic “The 40 Year History of Unidentified Flying Objects from a Worldwide Perspective.” The group recounted several sightings in their respective countries. The large gathering of correspondents showed significant interest in the UFO phenomena. If you look closely, you will see Stanton Friedman in the audience, as well. This is archived from a National Archives film…

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On December 21, 1964, Horace Burns, a gunsmith from Harrisonburg, Virginia, reported an extraordinary sighting of a UFO. While driving along Route 250 near Staunton, Virginia, Burns witnessed an object he described as being 80 to 90 feet high and 125 feet in diameter. This object, according to Burns, landed about 100 yards from the highway, emitted a fluorescent light, and was shaped like a beehive​​. Burns detailed that as the UFO crossed the road ahead of his vehicle, his car’s engine stalled, and it came to an unnatural stop. The UFO allegedly rested in a meadow for 60 to…

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“The Flying Saucers are Real” by Donald E. Keyhoe is a seminal work in the field of UFO literature, originally published in 1950. In this book, Keyhoe, a retired U.S. Marine Corps major, argues that UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are real and that they are likely extraterrestrial in origin. He bases his claims on numerous eyewitness accounts from military pilots, radar operators, and other credible sources, as well as his own investigations. Keyhoe discusses various UFO sightings and incidents, many of which involved the U.S. military. He asserts that the U.S. government has been aware of these phenomena and has…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman on Nov. 13, 1997. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. Scientists Challenge Air Force Regarding UFOs By Stanton T. Friedman Frankly I am sick and tired of the US Air Force lying to the public, the press, and members of Congress about UFOs,” said nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman at a public lecture “Flying Saucers ARE Real” in Albuquerque. “I have had a serious interest in UFOs for 39 years, lectured in a dozen countries, and visited seventeen document archives,” he continued. “For 50…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman in December 1997. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. The UFO Challenge By Stanton T. Friedman As a nuclear physicist who has had a serious interest in flying saucers since 1958, I have reached four major conclusions: The evidence is overwhelming that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. In other words, SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. Most are not. The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of Cosmic Watergate, meaning that some few people in major governments have known since…

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