John Greenewald

The Great Airships, First Encounters, 1890s

The following case file was written by BJ Booth of UFO Casebook, and is used…

Yacanto, Cordoba, Argentina | July 3, 1960

The below was originally written and published by G. Roncoron in FOTO DE ONVI AVALADA…

The “Admiral Wilson Leak” – “Core Secrets” Document – An Analysis

The Analysis The following video was created by The Black Vault which offers a full…

“Leaked” Photo of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) / UFO, Release by The Debrief, December 3, 2020

Case File Status: Likely Explainable (see below); Still Ongoing Background The attached photograph was allegedly…

“UFOs, An Air Force Dilemma” by Hector Quintanilla, USAF (retired), Published 1974

Background Note from The Black Vault: The following was published by the National Institute for…