John Greenewald

UFO over Highway 8 parallel to the Mexican Border, Arizona – August 14, 1993

Case File Status: Undetermined Lacks Sufficient Evidence / No Witness Contact Background The following case…

UFO over Porter, Texas – August 23, 2018

Case File Status: Intentional Hoax Background Witness submitted the following case to The Black Vault…

UFO over Salina, Kansas – September 16, 2015

Background This case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on June 27,…

UFO over San Antonio, Texas – August 8, 2018

Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence / No Witness Contact Background The following report was submitted…

UFO over Knoxville, Tennessee -July 14, 2018

Case File Status: Solved, out of focus celestial object (Star) Background Witness Kevin Lane submitted…