John Greenewald

Debunkers At It Again

The following was written by Stanton Friedman on February 3, 2009. It is part of…

The Bob Lazar Fraud

The following was written by Stanton Friedman in December 1997 and updated January 2011. It…

Documents Released on the November 11, 2014, Chilean Navy Helicopter UFO Encounter

The following documents were sent to The Black Vault by the popular YouTube channel "Omega…

The Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program, the Hitchhiker Effect, and Models of Contagion, by Dr. Colm A. Kelleher

The following article was published by Society for Scientific Exploration in the June 2022 issue…

Project Blue Book: Crittenden, Virginia — 17 January 1969

The following Project Blue Book case file was a 17 January 1969 sighting over the…