John Greenewald

Deciphering the WOW! Signal of 1977 Using ASCII to Binary Conversion

This information was sent to The Black Vault and is used here, with permission. It…

UFO Sighting over Modesto, California, August 3rd, 1987

The following case was submitted to The Black Vault. It can not be reproduced without…

1993 UFO Sighting in Calaveras County, California

The following case was submitted to The Black Vault. It can not be reproduced without…

1973 Sighting Over Bonnerdale, Arkansas

The following was submitted to The Black Vault. It can not be reproduced without permission.…

UFO Sighting over San Francisco, California, 1969 or 1970

The following sighting was submitted to The Black Vault, and can not be reproduced without…