John Greenewald

Analysis of Soil from a Hole over which a Triangular UFO Hovered (Dabrowka, Poland, January 28, 2003)

Background The background below is from the request for infrared analysis as written by Nancy…

Analysis of Tree Branches which Purportedly Came into Contact with a UFO (Centerville, Ohio, March 6, 2004)

Background An unusual event happened in Centerville, Ohio at approximately 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning March…

Composition of a Salve which Originates from an Obscure Source (Alaska, circa 1949-1951)

Background An unusual event occurred in Alaska within the 1949-1951 time period. A couple, naked…

Analysis of Soils Associated with a Possible UFO Abduction (Westland, Michigan, July 19, 2003)

Background A possible abduction event occurred on July 19, 2003 in Westland, Michigan. Following is…