John Greenewald

The Henry McKay UFO Classification System

The following is part of the Henry McKay Archives. It is used here on The…

Fire Officer’s Guide to Disaster Control, Chapter 13, “Enemy Attack and UFO Potential”

Note from The Black Vault Chapter 13 of the FIRE OFFICER'S GUIDE TO DISASTER CONTROL by WILLIAM…

The CIA’s 2016 Guide to “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer”

Background Note from The Black Vault: Playing off the popularity of the return of The…

2 Correctional Officers See UFO’s Near Nuclear Facility

The following case is used on The Black Vault with permission from the author/investigator. It…

Edward Snowden Leaks Top Secret Aircraft Built From Alien Technology

Provable Hoax Background This photograph began circulating the internet, and allegedly was "leaked" by Edward…