John Greenewald

UFO Fleet over Chichester, Pennsylvania

The following was published on 9/5/2015, on the YouTube channel: UndergroundSecretPlanet. It was published with the…

UFOs over a house in Scottsdale, Arizona

The following was published on the YouTube channel UndergroundSecretPlanet. It was posted on 9/6/2015, with the…

UFO Sighting Over Los Angeles, California

On 9/6/2015, this video was posted on YouTube. It allegedly shows a UFO sighting over…

Humanoid UFO Anomaly Captured on 3 Cameras over Los Angeles, California

This case surfaced a few weeks ago, and recently (as of the first week of…

Massive Object over Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

The following was submitted to The Black Vault - it is used here with permission:…