John Greenewald

Surveillance camera motion detection activated camera and captured the photos

The following was submitted to MUFON. It is archived here in the ghost category (as…

An unknown quickly moving object got in a shot in the early morning on July, 14, Ukraine

This report was originally filed with MUFON. It is archived here for reference. In the…

Man Sees & Photographs Strange Entity – Decoy Park – Newton Abbot Devon, UK

Location of Sighting: Decoy Park – Newton Abbot Devon, UK Date of Sighting: August 4,…

Family See & Take Photos of Strange Lights

Location of Sighting: Chanhassen, Minnesota Date of Sighting: August 9, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:30…

Couple Terrified by Bright Light Flashes to Rear of Car

The following was submitted to my friends over at UFOs NorthWest. It is republished here,…