John Greenewald

Possible UFO sighting in Rockland?

The following was published by MCSH Channel 6. It is published here for reference. All…

‘Mysterious’ sea creature with furry tail washes ashore in Russia’s Far East

The following was published by RT on July 01, 2015: The enigmatic remains of a…

Was John Lennon ‘UFO sighting’ recorded in rare drawing by The Beatles frontman?

The following article was published by The Mirror on June 22, 2015, and is archived here…

Is this a pyramid on Mars?

What are we looking at?: In this photograph, beamed back from the surface of Mars,…

Strange fleet of UFOs caught on camera by baffled eye-witness as they hover in early-morning sky

The following was published by The Mirror on June 24, 2015, and is archived here…