John Greenewald

Man Sees “A-Frame” UFO Fly South & Make Sharp Turn

The following was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Prescott, Arizona Date of Sighting:…

Video Taken of UFO Ejecting Another Object

The following case was submitted to UFOs NorthWest: Location of Sighting: Dana Point, California Date…

Youth Encounters Unknown Entities. Sees UFO.

Location of Sighting: Edmond, Oklahoma Date of Sighting: February 26, 2015 Time of Sighting: 10:33…

UFO Detector Capture – North Hollywood, California – 06/08/2015

This unknown object was captured using the FREE UFO Detector software on 6/8/2015 over North…

Voronezh, Russia UFO Landing and Aliens

The following summary was published by UFO Evidence, and is archived here for reference. Full…