Author: John Greenewald

Background This file is from the Project Blue Book collection within the National Archives. It is a case where the witness describes an object falling like a green flame from the sky. It was shaped roughly like a cone, about 1ft high. Upon landing, it started a fire in the backyard shed of the property, and the local police were called out. After analysis by the U.S. Air Force – they determined it was furnace slag. The case files, along with photographs, are all below. Document Archive Project Blue Book: Hartford, Connecticut — September 4, 1960 – CASE FILES [73…

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The following case file was written by BJ Booth of UFO Casebook, and is used here with permission. It can not be reproduced without prior permission. Summary On April 25, 1977 in Pampa Lluscuma (near Putre), Chile a soldier was in shock after a strange, five-day saga with a UFO. Six members of an army patrol saw two bright objects descending from the sky. Cpl. Armando Valdes, the patrol leader, set out alone to investigate and, according to the men, simply vanished. Fifteen minutes later, they said, he reappeared, tried to speak and passed out. The date on his watch…

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Background This book was given to The Black Vault many years ago, when I appeared to give a lecture at a conference. It has sat in my archives until recently found again. I do not vouch for the information, as I did not conduct it, but wanted to share it for research purposes and discussion. Copyright notice: An attempt to find the author, Edward Mcbride, failed. In addition, a search was made to find commercial copies – a bound version for sale – to find the copyright. That came up negative. It does not appear to be published in any…

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On December 16, 2020, Former CIA Director John Brennan was asked about UFOs. Professor Tyler Cowen, host of “Conversations with Tyler,” allowed The Black Vault to share his answer here. For the full interview, visit: — TRANSCRIPT COWEN: Let’s say we take a concrete issue. The Navy has reported that a lot of its pilots have seen unidentified flying objects. If you’re tackling that, as a CIA director or someone who works there, what is it you would sift through and interpret? How would that go? BRENNAN: I’ve seen some of those videos from Navy pilots, and I must…

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The following case file was written by BJ Booth of UFO Casebook, and is used here with permission. It can not be reproduced without prior permission. Date: July, 13, 1979 Sighting Location: Santa Clarita Valley, California, United States Summary: Close up sighting of extraterrestrial craft by wife and I. Date Reported: 5/1/2005 Sighting Time: 09:00 Day/Night: Nighttime No. of Witnesses: 2 Duration: 45 seconds No. of Object(s): Single Urban or Rural: rural Size of Object(s): 75-100 feet in diameter Distance to Object(s) & Altitude: 50-75 feet Shape of Object(s): disk Color of Object(s): silver/white metallic Full Description & Details It…

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