Author: John Greenewald

Description: In the spring of 1969, I was 20 years old and in the U.S. Army stationed in Plieku, South Vietnam. I was in the 62nd Maintenance Battalion working in the security platoon. Guard duty was my main job. On this day, I started the second shift at 3:00 PM and was scheduled to work until midnight. The temperature was around 75 degrees and it was partly cloudy. I was on a SSE guard tower overlooking a 100 yards perimeter. Rows of razor wire extended 300 feet and the perimeter was surrounded by miles of rice paddies. I had been…

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Description: A woman and a friend saw a triangular UFO flying above their car on Roswell Road in Marietta, Georgia. The witnesses saw the object through her sun roof. The object had red, white and green lights, but the witness was convinced that it was not a conventional aircraft. The witness works at a local airport and is very familiar with regular aircraft. The object was silent, hovered and then moved erratically. The UFO was lost behind some trees. The UFO was visible for about 2 minutes. The witness thought that the UFO was somewhat transparent. The witness felt energy…

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Description: The witness called and reported his sighting via voice-mail a few minutes after it occurred. I subsequently called him the next day and verified details of his sighting. A clip of my interview with the witness can be heard above. The witness heard the loud sound of helicopters. He went outside and saw a Chinook helicopter. The helicopter was followed by a large flying disk with a dome on top and the disk was followed by another Chinook helicopter. The saucer flew right over his house. The flying disk was dark and about 30 feet in diameter. All of…

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Description: The witness (retired police officer from Phoenix) and another person were hunting for gold in the desert about 5 miles Southeast of Wickenburg, AZ. The witness looked up and saw a rectangular object suspended from bright light (about the same size) to the Southeast of his position at an estimated distance of 1/2 mile. The witness state that the rectangular object looked like targets that they used to drag behind aircraft in WWII. The witness yelled to his partner (who did not hear him nor saw the object) and the object suddenly streaked upward about 2 miles and vanished.…

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The following was published by the “Public Domain Review”, and is archived here on The Black Vault for reference:   An account given by a Mr. Chalmers, published in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, telling of a remarkable incident occurring out at sea. Mr Chalmers writes of how, in 1749, from the deck of the Montague as it sailed in the Mediterranean just north of Corsica, he saw a blue fireball rolling on the surface of the water and making its way towards the ship. As the crew lowered the sails and tried to avoid impact, the mysterious…

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