Author: John Greenewald

The following case was submitted to The Black Vault: I just wanted to share this sighting from Taree N.S.W. that was captured back on the 3rd of June 2013 from a lookout called Breakneck. This object came down from the sky as a metallic sphere with a glow around it in front of two of us. The sphere seemed to open up like a seed and reveal an extremely bright glowing orange center. These two photos were taken with a Canon Powershot 18.1 mp camera as we were moving to a better vantage point. The object was a little shy…

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Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, “the oldest UFO photograph ever taken.” This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp. This was originally a “stereo” photograph. Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world. Thanks to a reader, we now have the original “stereo” photo.

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July 3, 1947; Harborside, Maine. 2:30 p.m. EDT. Witness: astronomer John Cole of South Brooksville, Me. Watched 10-15 seconds while ten very light objects, with two dark forms to their left, moved like a swarm of bees to the northwest. A loud roar was heard. July 4, 1947; over Emmet, Idaho. 8:17 p.m. PDT. Witnesses: United Air Lines Capt. E.J. Smith, First Officer Ralph Stevens, Stewardess Marty Morrow. Watched for 12-15 minutes while four objects with flat bottoms and rough tops moved at varying speeds, with one high and to the right of the others. July 6, 1947; Fairfield-Suisan Air…

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The following was submitted to UFO Casebook: I had just got off work at 8:00 PM Central Time and headed across town to get home. I hadn’t eaten dinner yet so I stopped at Sonic Drive-Thru to get a bite to eat and had just pulled around to get my order when I noticed a really bright light hanging relatively low in the sky. I would have passed it off as a plane or a helicopter, but it was exceptionally bright, so I kept my eye on it. I started noticing it to move in erratic patterns, so I knew…

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