Author: John Greenewald

Note from The Black Vault: Usually, a photo like this is very indicative of a lens flare. You have a bright object in the frame (in this case, the sun) which creates reflections inside the camera.  However, this photo is accompanied by multiple witnesses, even calling 911, that saw it with their eyes, and not the use of a lens/camera. That said, it is possible this photo is something else, tied to this story erroneously, and can be explained as a lens flare. It is possible there is no connection between the photo and what the witnesses saw. The story…

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Shape: Unknown – Duration: 20 minutes Last night, I and my friends were outside of our housing projects and we saw in increments of 2 vehicles that had one plane that was escorting the other without lights… They made no sound until they were overhead; they were no more than 800 ft. above us slightly more but so close we could get a GREAT VISUAL of them. I went inside to let friends on Facebook know of the calamity that was occurring until my cousin-in-law told me he hears something and go check outside. Once I went back outside the…

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On April 23, 2015, the Inquisitr published the following article: The Calbuco volcano, one of the most active in Chile, located in the Llanquihue National Reserve in the Los Lagos Region, erupted for the first time in nearly four decades, forcing the evacuation of about 4,000 residents. In the midst of the upheaval following eruption of the volcano, UFO enthusiasts are claiming that a local news channel covering the eruption unintentionally captured on video a formation of white UFO orbs flying through plumes of smoke into the volcano. The alleged UFOs may be seen by stopping the video at 0:11.…

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The following was posted on YouTube by user Mandy AMF. This UFO was seen around 12am on April 18th 2015, above the Westin building in Va Beach. Did anyone else see this object? Is this a UFO? Or maybe a drone? Any ideas on what this could be?

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The following was written by Alejandro Rojas of, and published April 21, 2015: A professional photographer was filming an airliner from the patio of his home on the outskirts of Rome when he caught something on video he cannot explain. He did not see the object as he was filming, but upon review of the footage, a strange object can be seen for a couple of seconds. Local UFO researchers are just as baffled as the witness. This UFO sighting has been covered in Italian news, and was investigated by the Mediterranean UFO Center (C.UFO.M). The name of the…

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