Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to UFO Casebook: Morning Billy, OK, here’s a new one for you. I have an OPENLINE member in the Fort Hill area of Carmel, Ohio (Hillsboro, Ohio) Old Indian burial territory. She says they have UFO activity galore, and I’ve sent you some reports from her in the past. She is an avid sky-watcher, and loves taking pictures of clouds. She was going thru a batch of recently developed pics and came across this photo. (It was taken ‘thru’ her windshield, but she claims there is NOTHING on her windshield that this could be. She remembers…

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I was filming time lapse with my camera at sunset, but I did not witness the unidentified objects at that time. It appears to be a type of light object that moves very quickly. The light slowly zooms up in the distance, stops for a moment and then flies away. The object was traveling at very high rate of speed without the time lapse footage, so I don’t think anyone would have noticed it in the sky. See my video footage from the time lapse. I do not normally care about this type of thing or would ever been looking…

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Description: I was staying at the Valley Motel in Room 24 on the end. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and saw a blinking light floating towards the road. I got my phone camera. I started the first video on the side of Jacksboro high to film the one. Then I noticed as it went across the street there were a lot more. I saw one man walking across street and asked him what those were. He said they were satellites, but he didn’t know and walked off. I filmed the one that hovered above the street light. Halfway…

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Description: I saw this across the street from the house as I was parking my car in the driveway. Initially I noticed a pulsing light in my drivers side review mirror. I thought it was an ambulance siren because the light was so bright, red and flashing. When I got out of the car and turned around I noticed it was an object hovering in the sky. It was the lowest hovering UFO I have ever seen. I almost thought it was a drone because it eventually kept hovering lower and then disappeared from my view all together due to…

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Background The following case is thoroughly documented within the United States Government’s files. It was the first document I had ever received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and will always remain special to me in that regard. But despite my personal connection, this case remains one of the most interesting cases you can find in official documents. The document, obtained under the FOIA from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reads as follows (.pdf version): What was strange about this case, was the fact that the document was “UNCLASSIFIED.”  However, that was not the case for a document…

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