Author: John Greenewald

The following is published by regarding the history of this photo: On November 19, 1995, Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England burned to the ground. Many spectators gathered to watch the old building, built in 1905, as it was being consumed by the flames. Tony O’Rahilly, a local resident, was one of those onlookers and took photos of the spectacle with a 200mm telephoto lens from across the street. One of those photos shows what looks like a small, partially transparent girl standing in the doorway. Nether O’Rahilly nor any of the other onlookers or firefighters recalled seeing the…

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The following is published by the original photographer of the photo. It is archived here for reference. Special thanks given to Ghosts of Tombstone: Boothill Graveyard was opened in Tombstone Arizona in 1879. Most of it’s occupants suffered violent or un-expected deaths with their boots on, this is the reason why the early pioneers named it Boothill. Some people believe that ghosts are spirits of people that died unexpectedly, violently, and/or at the hands of others, gunfights, hangings, etc. Whether this is your belief or not, PLEASE LET ME WARN YOU…the following photos are not only strange and unexplainable even…

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The following is posted by Combermere Abbey: This photograph of the library in Combermere Abbey was taken by Sybell Corbet in 1891 . The figure of a man can faintly be seen sitting in the chair on the left. His head, collar and right arm on the armrest can be clearly made out. This is reputed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere. The first Lord Combermere was a British cavalry commander in the early 1800s, who distinguished himself in several military campaigns including the Battles of Salamanca and Bharatpore. In 1817 he became became the Governor of Barbados. While…

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The following was written by regarding this photo, and is archived here for reference: This portrait of “The Brown Lady” ghost is arguably the most famous and well-regarded ghost photograph ever taken. The ghost is thought to be that of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount of Raynham, residents of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 1700s. It was rumored that Dorothy, before her marriage to Charles, had been the mistress of Lord Wharton. Charles suspected Dorothy of infidelity. Although according to legal records she died and was buried in 1726, it was suspected…

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The following was published on 4/15/2015 by the Inquisitr. It is archived here for reference: Giant UFO Caught By Space Station NASA Cam Hovering Over Earth, UFO Researcher Claims In New Video A giant UFO was sighted hovering high above Earth — but within the planet’s atmosphere — by a NASA camera positioned on the International Space Station, according to a prominent online UFO researcher, who revealed his latest purported discovery in a new video posted Tuesday. The UFO — if indeed it is an unidentified object and not simply a mistakenly identified object — is seen in the video…

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