Author: John Greenewald

The following was submitted to UFO Casebook, and used here with permission: I took my dogs out at approx. 11 pm. I always check the sky and a star-like object appeared west and slightly north, 1:30, to direct west. I took out my phone and tried to take a picture. The object slowly dimmed to black. I continued to attend the dogs. A few minutes later the object reappeared. I tried to get a picture, but again it dimmed to black. I went inside and went to bed. As I lay in bed the object reappeared. I must say it…

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Actual date of case file is unknown, but is archived here for reference: By Jorge Moreno (SIPSE) MERIDA, Yucatan – Cases involving people traveling in commercial airliners and seeing UFOs in flight are not few. In Yucatan there are at least three such reports: In one of these, a pilot was unable to publicly remark on the event due to his company’s strictures, which forbid employees to discuss certain matters on account of privacy and confidentiality. The pilot remarked that during a flight from Mexico City to Merida, he was about to land at the airport of the Yucatan’s capital…

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Date of Sighting: 1982 (Exact Date Unknown) Date Reported: January 20, 2007 Location of Sighting: New Berlin, Wisconsin Description (In Witness’s Own Words): This is the incident that happened in 1982. (By the way I believe there were other abductions besides the 1973 and 1982 ones.) I have difficulty bringing up the full memories of the incidents and therefore will not attempt to report them to anyone at this time. The beings themselves were like “small green beings” in tight fitting space suits or diving suits. No bigger than 2-3 feet. The reptilians (for lack of a better word), were…

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Date of Sighting: June 18, 1990 Time of Sighting: Near Sunrise Duration of Sighting: About 10 Minutes Date Sighting Reported: April 6, 2007 Location of Sighting: Bridgeport, Connecticut Latitude: 41.18 Degrees North Longitude: 73.19 Degrees West Number of Witnesses: Two Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One Description (In Witness’s Own Words): The day of the sighting, my brother and I were sitting in his car at my house. It was just about day break. The date was 6-18-90. The location of the sighting, was at 50. Milne, St, Bridgeport, CT. As I got out of my brother’s car, I heard this…

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The following was published by FoxNews Channel 4, Kansas City, Missouri on January 6, 2012, and is archived here for reference: BY MITCH WEBER, FoxNews Channel 4, Kansas City, Missouri KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Police are investigating after a Northland farmer reported that one of his cows had been found dead and mutilated, apparently by someone who a veterinarian says knew what they were doing. According to Kansas City Missouri Police, officers responded to a call on Thursday morning to a farm near 120th and Brightwell in rural Platte County, just west of KCI. There, officers said that they found…

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