Author: John Greenewald

The following case file was written by BJ Booth of UFO Casebook, and is used here with permission. It can not be reproduced without prior permission. Dayton, Ohio brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright were always interested in being able to soar in the skies. Being influenced by printed material of early German attempts with gliders, the two experimenters built their own glider in 1900. Early on, they tested different types of wing shapes, while honing their plane-making skills. By 1903, the brothers had built a 12-horsepower engine and two propellers. Late in the year, on December 17, they finally made…

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The below was originally written and published by G. Roncoron in FOTO DE ONVI AVALADA POR LA FUERZA AEREA ARGENTINA, in UFO PRESS #3, April 1977. It is archived here for research purposes. Background This sighting is one of the best recorded in Argentina, but it is practically unknown to English-speaking ufologists as it has been published in Spanish magazines only. Expedia Argentina has traveling information if you are thinking of visiting Yacanto to learn more about this sighting. Perhaps for that very reason it has escaped the attention of the professional debunkers, but a more likely cause is that it is…

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The Analysis The following video was created by The Black Vault which offers a full breakdown of the Wilson Leak, along with a proposed theory about what the documents are. This was recorded on June 19, 2020, and may be updated in the future as additional information presents itself (if any). Interview with Jay / Project Unity (September 2, 2021) The Wilson/Davis Notes: The Final Act? (September 6, 2021) Additional Background The following documents were “leaked” or uploaded to IMGUR (an image sharing site) on April 19, 2019. However, they did not start making waves within the…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable (see below); Still Ongoing Background The attached photograph was allegedly “leaked” to the public, and represents an example of a photo within an official Department of Defense (DOD) report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. It was obtained by anonymous sources, and published by TheDebrief on December 3, 2020. The full story can be viewed at the below presentation by The Black Vault. The Photograph Below, you will find the metadata of the photograph. It was surprising what appeared to be the “original” copy of the photo was used, holding the metadata that the photograph was taken…

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Background Note from The Black Vault: The following was published by the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), and although the organization is now defunct, the record was stored within the Wayback Machine, but got very little attention. It is being republished here for archival reasons. All respective copyrights, if any, are held by their respective owners. From the preface, written by NIDS: For the first time NIDS is electronically publishing a book manuscript written in 1975 by Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla, the head of the USAF Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book was supposed to be an objective investigation…

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