Author: John Greenewald

Date of Sighting: December 26, 2010 Time of Sighting: 5:30 PM PST Location of Sighting: About 20 Miles East of  (See Map) Description: I am an airline pilot. Shortly after departure from Las Vegas, Nevada we spotted a light in the sky. We were on our departure climb Northwest of Las Vegas around 5:30 PM local time. While passing abeam the town of Pahrump we noticed the light. It was moving from Northwest to Southeast at a speed greater than that of an aircraft, but slower than a meteor. It was larger than an aircraft light and blue-green in color.…

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The following testimony was submitted to The Black Vault regarding a UFO sighting over New Hampshire: I live in New Hampshire I was driving home from work tonight and saw a strange formation of lights in the sky. I would like to preface this story by saying I am a commercial pilot with 450 hours. The lights that I witnessed in the sky were not normal air traffic they behaved quite the opposite. At first I saw a bright orange light and I thought it was a meteor but it had no streak. It accelerated very quickly from the southwest…

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Date of Sighting: Early 1990s (Exact Date Unknown) Time of Sighting: During Daylight (Exact Time Unknown) Location of Sighting: Vancouver Lake, Washington (See Map) Description: I started to see UFOs again in Vancouver, Washington. I saw them a lot. It seemed to start about 1990 or around there. I would see them over my apartment a lot and jets would fly after they were out of sight. I even called the radio station there to see if anyone else saw them which was a mistake because then a lady showed up that next day that I did not know. I…

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Date of Sighting: June 18, 1990 Time of Sighting: Near Sunrise Duration of Sighting: About 10 Minutes Date Sighting Reported: April 6, 2007 Location of Sighting: Bridgeport, Connecticut Latitude: 41.18 Degrees North Longitude: 73.19 Degrees West Number of Witnesses: Two Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One Description (In Witness’s Own Words): The day of the sighting, my brother and I were sitting in his car at my house. It was just about day break. The date was 6-18-90. The location of the sighting, was at 50. Milne, St, Bridgeport, CT. As I got out of my brother’s car, I heard this…

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Date of Sighting: October, 1990 (Exact Date Unknown) Time of Sighting: Around 8 PM EDT Date Sighting Reported: August 30, 2007 Duration of Sighting: Unknown Location of Sighting: Almont, Michigan Latitude: 42.89 Degrees North Longitude: 83.03 Degrees West Number of Witnesses: Two Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One Weather: Clear Skies. Stars Visible. (Per Witness Observation.) Description (In Witness’s Own Words): It was the fall of 1990. I was in my home in Almont, MI. That time of year it gets dark quite early. It must of been around 8:00 PM: “The times are now just an approximation.” My son, who…

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