Author: John Greenewald

The following was published on April 7, 2015, by the NY Daily News. It is archived here for reference, and full and special thanks/credit goes to the NY Daily News for the article. BY ANDREW DANZIGER SPECIAL TO THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is “Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?” The answer is yes. And here’s how it happened. It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m.…

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I just woke up and I had the most intense dream my recall has ever experienced. I tried to talk to my guy about it and I hope he doesn’t think I’m crazy.. The dream I had was unlike any I’ve ever had- first off, I was naked- and it wasn’t an issue- usually I’d be freaking out the whole dream about clothes.. Not this time. It is super long so I’m just going to cut to the chase. It was my friends birthday and so we went to a fancy restaurant for her birthday- got a deal on a…

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Courtesy of the Henry McKay UFO Archives, this historical document is a letter from Dr. J. Allen Hynek to Iris Owen, dated August 24, 1977.  It is significant to not only the UFO research community, but also to the ghost research community. Hynek was the astronomy consultant to the U.S. Air Force’s UFO projects, including Project Bluebook. In this letter Hynek mentions the upcoming release of the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, which he was the consultant for, and anticipates that the movie “will yield a large number of ancient sightings”. Hynek than goes on to express his…

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The following was published by WMC Action News 5: OLIVE BRANCH, MS (WMC) -As winter weather was being dumped across most of North Mississippi, one woman says she saw much more than just snow — Angela Ashton is convinced she saw a UFO. Ashton, who is a certified Paranormal Investigator with Cryptic Shadows Paranormal Research, is certain that the object she saw in the sky was extraterrestrial. When she saw the object just after midnight on Thursday, she ran outside to record it. “It was at least the size of a football field,” Ashton said. “I was laying in my…

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Description: The and 3 others saw several erratic moving white lights in the night sky. The witness who reported the sighting was taking out his trash and noticed. He summoned his wife and neighbors who also saw the lights. The lights at times would form a circle and were visible for over an hour. The lights did not flash and were much bigger than the surrounding stars. Skies were clear at the time of the sighting. No sound was heard. One witness thought that he saw some smoke near the lights. A clip of UFOs NorthWest’s interview with the witness is…

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