Author: John Greenewald

Description: The witness was opening a bedroom door and looked outside. She saw a very large orange-yellow orb approaching from the west. The orb was followed by 7 more similar orbs. The orbs flew to the east, stopped, hovered and then changed direction at a 90 degree angle and flew to the south. The witness’s husband also saw the orbs. Skies were clear at the time of the sighting. No sound was heard and no aircraft were in the area. The witness’s husband snapped a photo of one of the orbs. (See above.) A clip of my interview with the…

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Description: The UFO Sighting occurred at 10:00 PM at Khorlim Canca Mapusa Goa, India on 22nd February 2015 after my Wedding Day with my Best Friend. To Tell you the Truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these UFO’s in the sky and than they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day.” It was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that day when the UFO’s showed up, but thanks to my best friend aka “Hunter” who captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone. UFOs NorthWest Note:…

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Description: I was outside filming objects in the night sky with my night vision camera when I noticed something bright out of my peripheral vision. I swung my camera as quickly as I could. The video clip can be seen above. UFOs NorthWest Note: The object could have been of another color, but the infrared view properties were set to display black and white. The object is not blinking so it is likely not an aircraft. It is too big large to be a satellite.

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Description: The witness discussed a sighting that he had in May of 2014. (His sighting is voiced in the above interview audio.) He saw a red orb move over his house and then stop. Four similar orbs then moved in the direction of the 1st orb and merged with it. The merged orb then vanished. The witness could see a “heat-like” signature in the clear sky where the orb vanished. He likened the signature to heat waves that can be seen rising from asphalt roadways on warm days. The following morning the witness was awakened to loud jet sounds. He…

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The following was submitted to The Black Vault in July of 2014. After a few emails back and forth, certain things were clarified. The questions I asked are below, along with the witness’ answers. They have decided to remain anonymous. Please see attached photo. This has showed up on 2 separate MRI one in August 2011 and yesterday 7/13/2014. 2011 the surgeon pointed this out and said he didn’t see anything in there during surgery. yesterday the MRI tech pulled me out of the machine to question what it was. What are your thoughts? Kinda freaking me out a bit! Do you recall anything strange happening to you, or this object just showed up…

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