Author: John Greenewald

by Lindsey Adams, ABC 23 Several neighbors living off Alderpointe Street near Panama and Gosford in southwest Bakersfield say they first witnessed a mysterious blue light in the sky back in February, and again in March. Both times they saw it on the 14th. “I was taking the recycling out to the trash can, and I saw this blue light in the sky, and I thought, that’s kinda bright to be a star, I’ve never seen a blue star be that bright,” said Kelly Castruita. “Watched it for about 10 minutes, just doing weird stuff, it would turn on and…

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By Elle Griffiths, The Mirror The footage of the strange phenomenon, filmed in Kazakhstan, has sparked countless UFO rumours after being viewed thousands of times on YouTube Eerie footage of a strange, black ring floating in a clear blue sky before vanishing into thin air has sparked UFO rumours among sky-watchers. The sinister shape hovers ominously above the village of Shorthandy village, near Astana, Kazakhstan, for several minutes as shocked locals watch in confusion. It then disappears completely, leaving no trace behind. Residents spotted the mysterious phenomenon on Saturday morning. The video has been viewed and shared thousands of times…

Read More The Henry McKay Confession Tape is an audio cassette tape from 1978 of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about his experiences of being watched, stalked and harassed by authorities due to his UFO research involvement. In this audio cassette tape Henry talks about his mail being diverted, his telegram being diverted, his telephone being tapped, men watching his house from their car, being chased down the highway by an unknown vehicle, police showing up at his door to harass him from a city over 3 hours away, army showing up at his investigation sites (Henry specialized in…

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The following is from an audio cassette of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about a report of a UFO hovering outside of a hospital in Duncan, British Columbia in 1970 in which extraterrestrials were also reportedly seen inside the ship. This audio cassette was recorded at either one of Henry’s lectures or during his UFO course.

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In this audio from the year 1973 you will hear pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay being interviewed on CFGM radio station with host Ron Knight when a male calls in saying that he is looking at a UFO in the sky right at that very moment in Jackson’s Point, Ontario, Canada. Later in the interview at around the 15 minute mark you will hear the radio station’s phone lines jam, thereby forcing the station to temporarily go off air. Somewhat similar to the infamous Art Bell “Area 51 Frantic Caller” episode. The last part of this audio is…

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