Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Explained Background Multiple videos of a UFO surfaced, supposedly over New Jersey, which occurred on September 14, 2020. The result of the videos posted, also resulted in “UFOs” trending on Twitter in the morning hours of September 15, 2020. Various accounts posted the video you see below, while others took ominous looking screen shots with no context. The result was a lot of attention quickly, to what appeared to be something interesting. However, investigation shows something different and explainable. Check out the “evidence” below along with the explanation that follows. The Evidence Numerous videos were posted online,…

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Background The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners (if any), and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive The Saucerian Review, A report on Flying Saucers, Edited by Gray Barker, Published 1956 [98 Pages, 310MB]

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The following is reproduced, with permission, from the book UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY VOLUME TWO. By Roberto Pinotti The following information is taken from my new book ‘UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY -VOLUME TWO’ which has just been published by Philip Mantle’s publishing company ‘FLYING DISK PRESS’. It is the first time that this information has been made available in english. In 2000, during the annual World UFO Symposium in San Marino, my colleague Alfredo Lissoni and I gave a lecture on the sensational discovery of some new original material, which has been sent to us anonymously on a number of…

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Background The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive Enigma Penetration: Crop Circles – Psi Tech Final Project Report, June 1992 [12 Pages, 33MB]

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Background The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive UFOs – Myth & Mystery by Stanton T. Friedman, 1971 [13 Pages, 50MB]

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