Author: John Greenewald

Introduction By Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos  and Ole Jonny Brænne Photograph, in the popular philosophy, is the best evidence to prove the existence of something, e.g. “a picture is worth a thousand words”. In observational sciences, astronomy for instance, photographic records are basic. Hessdalen in Norway has produced innumerable eye-witness reports of anomalous phenomena, and is therefore an area of special interest. In addition to the human observers, there is a large amount of instrumented evidence, in the form of photography and video, either by persons or through automated recordings by on-site equipment. In spite of a recurrent phenomenon photographed at…

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Sunday night the 17th of November 11pm, that night the Jet stream was over Oregon High winds, rain heavy at times with broken clouds and moon light parcel to good. We have a window above the gas fire place it makes for excellent star gazing, decided to check it out after five minutes I observed a object moving west very slow against the high winds a slight glow on the craft from the moon light made it stand out between the fast moving clouds and the craft was at a slight tilt maybe 20 degrees back then it stopped it…

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My friend and brother-in-law noticed several orbs in the sky around midnight over Clear Lake, Houston, Texas on December 23, 2012. We were cleaning up after my daughter’s college graduation dinner. They called my sister and I outdoors to view them. A few days later while viewing the video footage, I realized the orbs that we saw moving rapidly, turning their lights off and still being visible, then some disappearing completely were actually trying to escape a strange creature in the sky (not visible to the naked eye) which is captured consuming the last two orbs at the end of…

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This is a story of an astonishing true account of a “close encounter of the FIFTH kind” which a man named Richard R. Giroux, experienced on October 12, 1994 on the rim canal of Lake Okeechobee, Florida. The contact was deliberate and the communication profound. The visitors shared in detail their true nature, their mission, and the reason for their connection with Earth since before the dawn of antiquity. The details of what they shared were not provided through conversation, but via a direct implant of knowledge. They also shared numerous and detailed future sequential events that will verify their…

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Rectangle lit box due above far up in the sky like a marker visible and then invisible. I do not believe this is a typical sighting of a craft but I could be wrong. I was looking at the sky last night from my glass room on the back of my house and was standing looking out my full glass door which faced east and looking straight up at the night sky stars. It was one of the most visible skies I have seen. The stars seemed to just stand out and I live where there is no lights. When…

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