Author: John Greenewald

Is THIS America’s newest top-secret spy plane? Clearest picture yet of mystery aircraft spotted flying over Kansas just weeks after being seen in Texas By JONATHAN O’CALLAGHAN and MARK PRIGG and ASHLEY COLLMAN, The Daily Mail A new photo of a mysterious flying object over Kansas has been revealed. It appears to be the same aircraft as one that was snapped soaring over Texas last month. The exact identify of the aircraft remains a mystery, but rumours abound that it could be a secret jet. ‘The photo is grainy because it was taken with a hand-held maxed-out 400mm telephoto lens through…

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Here is the text of the transcribed article from Nature Magazine, April 22, 1961: We are witness again to a surge of interest in, and speculation about, extra-terrestrial radio transmissions I which had an earlier flare in the late twenties. The favourable change in climate for the expression of such ideas since the turn of the century has been of particular interest to me In 1899, Nikola Tesla established an experimental station at Colorado Springs, where he would be free to pursue certain electrical investigations, unrestrained by the limits imposed by his New York City laboratory. In an article by him, published after his return to New York in…

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I was coming home from work last night and saw these lights and got a photo before they disappeared. It was far I zoomed in for the pic. It was moving west too East Mabey 45 or 50 degree angle or so as far as speed I have no idea I only saw it for about 30 to 35 sec before it went out of sight. Id say just a guess 1000 yards or so away hard to judge that at night. That is how it looked when I took the photo. It was taken about 3 miles north from a town called Marengo, Ohio on…

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A Die-Hard Issue Gerald K. Haines An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real. (1) Former US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogists–a neologism for UFO buffs–and private UFO organizations are found throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US Government, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since…

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Please note: The images in the gallery above are actually the highest resolution submitted. Submitted herein is this UFO sighting/alien encounter story which occurred here in Aguada, Puerto Rico (a U.S.territory). This alien encounter and subsequent abduction was reported to several UFO/extraterrestrial investigator websites. However, it was so frightening that it reminded me of the “Amityville Horror” story. We had to abandon our house after we bought it in August 2005 because no investigator came to help us, and recently sold the house to move away from that rainforest. The following 11 paragraphs were reported, however, included after that are…

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