Author: John Greenewald

A massive underwater entrance has been discovered off the Malibu, CA coast at Point Dume which appears to be the Holy Grail of UFO/USO researchers that have been looking for it over the last 40 years.  The plateau structure is 1.35 miles x 2.45 miles wide, 6.66 miles from land and the entrance between the support pillars is 2745 feet wide and 630 feet tall. It also has what looks like a total nuclear bomb proof ceiling that is 500 feet thick.  The discovery was made by Maxwell, Dale Romero and Jimmy Church, host of FADE to BLACK on the Dark Matter Radio Network…

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Note from The Black Vault: On October 23, 2014, there was a partial solar eclipse.  At this time, a young astronomer posted a video on the YouTube Channel Astronomy Live with more than an hour of footage on the eclipse. At about 24 minutes into his recording, multiple mysterious objects appears to be flying above the sun — which shocked even him. Well versed in astronomy, he could not quite pin point what these objects were. I have edited the video to only the UFO sighting and a little beyond to give some context.  Note, when the video starts, he comments that…

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The witness called and reported her experience 20 years after it occurred. She was driving home from a bar at about 11 PM and noticed a police car to her right. The next thing that she remembers is that two hours have gone by and her car is parked near a police station. She and her husband were riding in the car and neither remembers the two hours “time lapse.” The next day upon rising from bed her knee was swelled up so bad that she couldn’t walk. Her husband drove her to the hospital. The knee was x-rayed and…

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Watch incredible CCTV footage of ghost PUSHING man to the ground and DRAGGING him along corridor. This extraordinary CCTV footage captures the moment a ghostly apparition PUSHES a man to the ground before dragging him along a corridor. The 60-second video, posted on YouTube, shows the man, clad in dark clothing striding purposefully along a deserted hallway, watched by the unsleeping eye of a CCTV camera. Then as he reaches the end of the corridor, a sinister dark shape suddenly materialises in front of him. The shocked man is violently hurled onto the floor, before being dragged a short…

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Rev. Ralph Hardy, a retired clergyman from White Rock, British Columbia, took this now-famous photograph in 1966. He intended merely to photograph the elegant spiral staircase (known as the “Tulip Staircase”) in the Queen’s House section of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. Upon development, however, the photo revealed a shrouded figure climbing the stairs, seeming to hold the railing with both hands. Experts, including some from Kodak, who examined the original negative concluded that it had not been tampered with. It’s been said that unexplained figures have been seen on occasion in the vicinity of the staircase, and unexplained…

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