Author: John Greenewald

Description: I was searching the historical imagery of Area 51 to view the progress of new structures. The cloud casting a shadow from a northern sun caught my attention. That fake cloud is the “smoking gun” that proves that particular image has been modified. It’s simply impossible for shadow casting to occur from a northern sun at that location. It can’t be debated or explained as anything else other than photo tampering, as the laws of physics of the solar positions relative to time and location are a scientific fact. If you search the historical imagery you’ll find other clouds casting a…

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Note from The Black Vault: A gentlemen wrote to me at The Black Vault about a mysterious object discovered during an MRI.  After it’s discovery, they are eager to see if others out there have experienced the same thing, in connection to unexplained encounters, because it does sound like her mother has had some experiences.  Read the below short interview, and then check out the MRI image. How did you discover the mysterious object?  My wife was in an MRI and they pulled her out of it to ask if she had ever had any shrapnel for metal fragments left in…

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BY: MARV DUMON Is it an alien spaceship or a top secret military plane? On Saturday, multiple UFOs were spotted flying at blazing speed over a sunny sky in Sydney. You can watch the 22-minute clip in this YouTube video. A bullet-shaped UFO was seen flying over relatively clear skies over Australia around lunch time on Nov. 24. It appeared to leave a white trail suggesting that the object may have been a high speed military aircraft. However, a round object can be seen zipping through the sky just minutes later. The second object, shaped like a flying saucer, did…

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SAGINAW — A paranormal investigation team today posted a webisode online showing the probe of a Saginaw home alleged to be haunted. The 20-minute-long session, produced by Alli Michigan Ghost-Hunters and uploaded to the team’s Facebook page, features claims of disembodied voices, moving lights, blood found spattered on walls, apparitions and flying tomatoes. The webisode centers on the investigation of an unidentified home in Saginaw owned by a couple identified simply as Tito and Roseanna. “We know it’s violent,” Tito says of one of the ghosts he claims haunts the home. “She got a tomato thrown at her.” While Roseanna…

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