Author: John Greenewald

(original source URL now offline, as of 3/8/2015) UFO Spotted above Alice, Texas ALICE–One lady says she saw something very unusual in the sky last night near her home. The woman believes it was a UFO, so she called Three News to investigate it. We have received several calls about UFO’s ever since we aired a special report in February. This woman said she was a non- believer, but after last night’s encounter, she’s now a believer. Here in the Rancho Allegre neighborhood in Alice located off of State Highway 281 and 44, an Alice resident said she saw something…

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I’ve lived close to McGuire Air Force Base (now Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst) my entire life. There are also several small rural airports for single engine planes and helicopters in the area, along with air traffic from Philadelphia, Trenton-Mercer, Atlantic City, North Jersey & New York area airports. After the time change in early November, the large number of air traffic in the sky has caught my attention on my ride home, but this encounter was different from what I’m used to seeing. Conditions: Night/dark, clear skies (if there were clouds they were not noticeable or did not play…

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A SINISTER figure has reportedly been caught on camera lurking in the woods in western Switzerland. Dressed in a military uniform with a gas mask covering his face, the figure, known as ‘Le Loyon’, is said to have been haunting the woods for the past decade. He apparently walks the same route every day. However, there was no evidence of his existence until local news website Le Matin published the first known photograph of the mystery man last month, and now police are trying to track him down. But is it for real? “I came across him near the marches,”…

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Date of Event: 1954-1955 Classification of event: Unknown. Potentially a spirit encounter or other paranormal type experience. Posted here for feedback – and the witness wants your ideas on what this may be. This case was submitted directly to The Black Vault: Case Description: I am now 64 years old. This happened when I was approximately 3 or 4 years of age. I have this picture that intrigues me. Wondering if you would like to blow it up in size and see what you think. Very anxious to have your reply. It may not be in your line of work, but…

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Bizarre UFO Spotted By Robot On Surface Of MARS By Chris Richards, The Mirror A UFO has been caught on camera – by a robot on MARS. The bizarre celestial object, which looks like a spacecraft complete with vapour trail, was photographed by an unmanned Nasa rover at work on the surface of the Red Planet. The weird shape can be seen in a video uploaded to YouTube by Ufologist Streetcap1 under the heading Mars ufo? Some internet users offered potential explanations for the UFO. Nix Nightbird commented: “It’s something on the lens of the rover camera. “Ice, dust, whatever.”…

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