Author: John Greenewald

This object was caught using the UFO Detector, a free software which utilizes your computer and camera to scan the skies for unknown objects. For more information, check out: What is odd about this video, compared to many other captures that are planes or birds, is the object appears to just blink out, and disappears. It also enters the frame suddenly… so it does not resemble many of the other, explainable, captures. The other, blurry, objects on the frame was simply dirt and can be disregarded.

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Is it possible that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization millions of years ahead of us found a way to manipulate space-time and perhaps even discovered a way to travel through time? We do not posses adequate technology to visit the past or the future, and we do now even know if such remarkable journeys can become reality, but maybe one day in the future  humans will see themselves as true time travelers.  If that’s true, then time travel already exists. There are a huge number of incredible artifacts lying scattered across the floors of abandoned, forgotten basements of the world’s greatest natural…

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Las Vegas man claims he killed the first Bigfoot HATTIESBURG, MS (WDAM) – We’ve heard the stories and the tales of the 8-foot tall creature better known as Bigfoot. Some say they’ve seen him, many believe it’s a myth, but one man claims he’s actually killed the creature. “September 6, 2012, I killed Bigfoot,” said Master Tracker Rick Dyer. Rick Dyer recently released photos of the Bigfoot he claims to have killed outside of San Antonio Texas. “The reason why I released photos of the beast couple of days ago is because I just received the body,” said Dyer. According…

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An amazing cloud formation filmed in Russia has led some observers to conclude that the only explanation can be extraterrestrial beings visiting our little planet. The impressive video shows what appears to be some kind of UFO hovering behind a cloud. Or not, depending on your point of view – either way, it’s an impressive sight. Could this be yet another Russian sighting of visitors from other galaxies? There’s certainly been plenty of unusual activity in that area over the last year if the increasingly bizarre findings are to be believed (see below for more Russian alien ‘evidence’). …

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Official NASA Caption: NONE. What are we looking at? What appears to be multiple cylindrical shaped objects were photographed by the Apollo 9 astronauts while photographing the moon.  Plain and simple, if these are actual “objects” they are HUGE by the looks of it.  What could they be? They do not appear to be artifacts on the film/photo itself.  Add your feedback below. Original Source at NASA for this photo.

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