Author: John Greenewald

UFOs swarming over Las Vegas? Video is for the birds: Written By Benjamin Radford If there’s one place where extraterrestrial spacecraft might not seem out of place, it’s the Las Vegas Strip, and it just so happens that a new video shows a host of UFOs swarming over Sin City. The video, picked up by a blogger at, shows what appear to be a triangular group of white lights flitting about the night sky above Las Vegas. As the seven-minute video rolls on, dozens more lights join the action. [Click for video] The astounded and salty-tongued witness, who goes…

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Eyewitness Information Case information taken from the YouTube description. No other information is available.  Note: Spelling was corrected INFO AND QUESTIONS 01. Time of day it was filmed. 02. Exact location in Mexico City / Tijuana (as they are 1,430 miles apart from each other) … it’s either one city or the other. 03. Type of camera used. 04. Why you have so many of these particular videos on your YouTube Channel? RESPONDS 1 – 3:10 at 5.30 PM 25/ 12/ 11 2 – Tijuana B.C mexico 4 – it is the same object in my area that been coming…

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Eyewitness Testimony Today on Sunday,Oct.21,2007, was a great late Indian Summer day [Sunny -75 degree F ]. I went out to see a friend in Brampton, Ontario regarding Ufology and its connection to Experiencers. I noticed coming across the Hwy 401, heading west, at Kennedy Road. That’s to the north of the 401, a white trail line in the sky — 9:20 am. Probably leftovers from a jet’s trail 10-20000 ft. I then noticed many flashes of white blue light in the sky around it. As I was driving, I snapped a few pictures from above the sunroof opening-facing west.My…

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by BJ Booth “Dead Alien body recovered.” This claim has been made too many times without validating evidence. As time goes by, these fantastic stories fade away and are forgotten. In most cases, debunkers stand by their status quo anthem; “It couldn’t happen, therefore it didn’t. Those of us who honestly seek the truth of the UFO mystery are always looking for that one account that may fill in the missing pieces to the age old question, “Are We Alone?” One compelling account of an Alien body has come to us at a snails pace from the former Soviet Union,…

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Description from witness submitted to The Black Vault: As you can see 4 orbs coming from the right. 3 of them landing on the moon ( propable moonbase ) and one orb is stopping for a moment then flys away. Filmed April 2012 with Canon EOS 600D and Skymaster 1200mm focal length telescope.

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