Author: John Greenewald

Background According to the newsletter: KAL’S KOSMOS is not allied with any faction or organization. Its sole purpose is to promote independent inquiry into the nature of reality. Publication will be on an approximately quarterly basis. The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive Kal’s Kosmos, Issue #9, March 1981 [16 Pages, 50MB]

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Background The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive Bill Moore’s Eyewitness, Volume 3, Number 1 (Winter 1971) [11 Pages, 40MB]

Read More On July 16, 2020, CBS Reporter Jim DeFede asked Senator Marco Rubio about UFOs. Here was his answer. (This video is used here with permission. Video courtesy of CBS Miami.)

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Background Flying Saucers was a monthly magazine published and edited by Raymond A. Palmer, devoted to articles on UFOs and the Shaver Mystery. The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive April 1969, Issue 63 [40 Pages, 134MB] October 1969, Issue 66 [44 Pages, 110MB] September 1970, Issue 70 [28 Pages, 88.5MB] December 1979, Issue 71 [44 Pages, 106MB]

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