Author: John Greenewald

Many users on the internet are forwarding a video about a deep sea monster caught on an oil rig camera.  Although the footage is interesting, many believe they’ve identified the species on the rig. Contrary to many media outlets touting it as possible evidence of a sea monster — it is believed to be the Deepstaria Enigmatica jellyfish. Check out the article below for additional information: Deepstaria Enigmatica Jellyfish caught on camera near the United Kingdom TAMPA, Florida (CBS Tampa) – Did Capt. Nemo ever see anything like this when he was “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”? A mysterious creature…

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The following courtesy of Vigilant Citizen: There are mysteries that are so eerie and strange that they boggle the mind for days on end. The case of Elisa Lam is one of them. In February 2013, this 21-year-old student from Vancouver, Canada, was found dead inside the Cecil Hotel’s rooftop water tank in Los Angeles. The L.A. County Department of Coroner ruled the death “accidental due to drowning” and said no traces of drugs or alcohol were found during the autopsy. However, there is much more to the story than what is implied by police reports. The first piece of…

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The Alien Interview video is color video footage claimed to have been obtained by a man who identifies himself only as “Victor,” who purports it to be of an extraterrestrial being interrogated at a government facility. Victor maintains the footage was copied from a top-secret video originally recorded at Area 51. For fear of having his identity pinpointed, he never specifies whether he was an employee at the facility, but vaguely states that he “had reason to be present at Area 51… more than once.” Though the Alien Interview documentary states the copy was smuggled out of Area 51, Victor…

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Publicado   por  LUJÁN ARCHIVOS OVNI A very important official, Major-General V. Demyanko, commander of the Military Diver Service of the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense, USSR. He arrived to inform the local officers of an extraordinary event the had occurred during similar training exercises in the Trans-Baikal and West Siberian military regions. There, during their military training dives, the frogmen had encountered mysterious underwater swimmers, very human-like, but huge in size (almost three meters in height!) The swimmers were clad in tight-fitting silvery suits, despite icy-cold water temperatures. At the depth of fifty meters, these “swimmers” had…

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KNOWN HOAX Note from The Black Vault.  It is reported that the following case is a hoax.  The sources are below and they are archived here for reference. Dead ‘alien’ found in Siberia snow By STAFF REPORTER INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of what a group of Russians claim to be the remains of a mangled alien. The lifeless ‘body’ was supposedly discovered lying in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash last month. The ‘extra-terrestrial’ appears to have suffered horrific injuries — including the loss of one limb. Shocked villagers had told of…

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