Author: John Greenewald

Description: Hello: Over the weekend my parents were out on a ranch in Naples, Florida. My mom told my dad she wanted take a picture of him actually doing some man work and so she took a few burst photos on my dad’s Note 3 camera. At the moment they didn’t hear any noises from a plane, jet, or any noise at all. Later when my dad reviewed the burst photos to pick the best one, he saw an unidentified object on just ONE of the frames (average 1 frame per second). He asked around the people from the ranch and…

Read More In March of 2008, a video appeared on YouTube of an alleged Alien Autopsy. The poster, who claimed no responsibility for the creation of the video, had no knowledge of it’s origin and gave no other information. The video was archived here on The Black Vault for discussion. No known source is currently known and the debate continues on “real” vs. “fake”. One thing that sticks out is the tools that are used, and the fact they are not medical-grade. Also, the gloves are incorrect for use during such a procedure. This should be considered, however, there is nothing to…

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The following was submitted anonymously to The Black Vault: This image was taken on 8th August 2007 in the COB (Central Operating Base) which I believe used to be Basra Airport, it’s located south west of Basra itself, over the river. I was serving in Operation Telic 10, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, attached to the Irish Guard Battle Group. I had just returned to the COB from a 3 month stay in Basra Palace where 3 friends had been killed within weeks of each other. This was taken the day I got back, in the COBs smoking area. When…

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Note from The Black Vault:  The image in this case file was discovered while digging through a massive archive of “raw” photos taken from the surface of Mars.  Many scour these types of photos to see what may be on the surface of Mars. In this particular case, BlackVault User: Willease (who credits user “Mike_Edwards” for the find) posted this photo that has, what appears to be, a face partially buried in the Martian dirt. Although this may just be a trick of light, shadows, and this is “only a rock” – it is archived here for research. You will…

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The west side of the Hudson River, three fishermen noticed an unusual circular metallic flying object. One of the men grabbed a box camera and managed to snap four pictures before it flew away over Stockbridge Mountain. The following article was published in late December of 2014: UFO 1966 – THE LAKE TIORATI UFO by Cheryl Costa – Friday, December 26th, 2014, Syracuse NewTimes Twas the week before Christmas in 1966, when twenty-three-year old Vincent and two pals decided to do a little winter fishing. The winter weather was rather temperate for December so they decided to do their fishing…

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