Author: John Greenewald

Back in 2007 one man named Scott from Rockford, Michigan told a site devoted to the miraculous, “I was reading your web site, and wanted to share this photo of a angel with my son. “This picture was taken the afternoon before my son was to have surgery, at the time of the picture being taken, prayers were being said for his safe recovery, the photo has been tested for two years by photographic professionals and churches and has been found to be a hundred percent real. my son is healthy and strong now thanks to this powerful servant of…

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A new video has surfaced from Russia of some kind of an insectoid alien climbing a building in Russia. Not much is known about the alien that some have dubbed the stick alien. And the authenticity of the video is also not known. Either way though, it’s a pretty creepy looking thing that isn’t like most aliens that I see with the humanoid body, large head and big eyes.

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Eyewitness testimony: I was coming home about 1855 when I pulled into my driveway. Above and beyond my neighbors home I noticed a bright orb hovering. It reflected the sunset orange, and that is why I noticed it; besides it was a completely clear blue sky. I thought it could be a balloon or some sort of odd looking helicopter, but it didn’t have any rotors. It appeared to have rods or antenna coming out of it. I went to my backyard to get a better view. I appeared to be less than a mile away over residences. I got…

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Official NASA Captions: Photograph NRB_444283128EDR_F0260000NCAM00251M_.JPG – This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 527 (2014-01-29 16:08:16 UTC). Photograph NLB_444283159EDR_F0260000NCAM00251M_.JPG – This image was taken by Navcam: Left B (NAV_LEFT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 527 (2014-01-29 16:08:48 UTC). What are we looking at? In two seperate photographs, captured by the Mars rover, there is an object, presumably a rock, that appears to be floating above the ground.  In the second photograph, as the rover’s camera continues to pan to the right, a large circular formation of rocks appears in the frame as well. It’s interesting to…

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Case File Status: Hoax Background In 2014, a video surfaced on the internet, that largely has been taken down due to copyright claims, but, of course, the video can be licensed for a fee (of course it can be).  So, the video is not archived here, but you can find it doing a Google search. The description for the video was posted as follows: Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist  for Lockheed…

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