Author: John Greenewald

Background The following was collected and scanned by Matthew Riot, and is used here, with permission, as part of the “Matthew Riot Collection.” Copyrights held and maintained by their respective owners, and the material is archived here for reference purposes. Document Archive Preparation For The Landing 2001 AD Brochure [7 Pages, 18MB]

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Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation to the case, and is offered here for informational purposes. Witness Testimony The following was submitted to The Black Vault on May 26, 2020. “On August 11, 2019 at 4:20 am, I observed unusual lights in a triangle formation from my front yard. I woke up my roommate and retrieved telephone to have a witness and to video observance. I videotaped for 12 minutes while also watching for other ufo’s. thus the reason for…

Read More For twenty-two years, from 1947 – 1969, the United States Air Force ran a trifecta of UFO research programs known as Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book. The public is most familiar with the latter of the three, undoubtedly due to the success of a History Channel series by the same name. However, lesser known to non-UFO-aficionados, is why those studies ended. That was due to a near fifteen-hundred page report generated by what was known as the Condon Committee, which convened from 1966-1968 at the University of Colorado, to evaluate whether the further study of UFOs was worth…

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Dr. Hal Puthoff, theoretical physicist and government contractor, made waves in 2018 when he referenced a “leaked” document detailing UFO crash retrievals. Now, it is believed the document is known. But if this is the document Dr. Puthoff referenced… is it even real? You decide as I dig in to the four page record. MJ-12 SNIE Document, in Full Other Show Notes NSA Source Document #1 NSA Source Document #2 CIA Source Document #1

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