Author: John Greenewald

Background In March of 1962, an unknown object going Mach 2 mysteriously “changed appearances” mid flight. It had no visible signs of propulsion. After the Air Force investigated, they concluded it was an unknown. These are the official documents about it from the Project Blue Book files. It’s officially considered an unknown. The below file was obtained from the National Archives & Records Administration. Document Archive Project Blue Book: Ramstein Air Force Base UFO Encounter, March 26, 1962 (Unidentified) [4 Pages, 0.8MB]

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Case File Status: Explainable, See Below Background On January 22, 2020, the Washington State Department of Transportation tweeted out photos, which they believed, may have been Sasquatch. Here is the original tweet: Photographs Explanation Going to the “WayBack Machine” and seeing previous archived live-camera still frames captured, the silhouette is there, even months ago. On June 13, 2019, the WayBack Machine took a snapshot of the WSDOT website that streams this webcam. Here, you can see the same area that is not covered in snow, and the figure is still there.

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Background The Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting occurred on June 24, 1947, when private pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier at speeds that Arnold estimated at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr). This was the first post-War sighting in the United States that garnered nationwide news coverage and is credited with being the first of the modern era of UFO sightings, including numerous reported sightings over the next two to three weeks. Arnold’s description of the objects also led to the press quickly coining the…

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Investigation Status: Ongoing – Last Updated 2/7/2020 “I would say remain skeptical. Healthy skepticism is very important, in fact it’s imperative. In fact, in my job as an intelligence officer, I was paid to be skeptical. I think you should always question all the information that comes before you by anybody who says anything, and I think that’s true not just with people like me, I think it’s true with government, religion and everything in between. ” –Mr. Luis Elizondo, 2018 International UFO Congress Recorded Testimony Table of Contents Background Department of Defense Denial The National Security Agency’s Intellipedia Denial The…

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Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation to the case, and is offered here for informational purposes. Witness Testimony First within a half of a block hovering over my left shoulder, it went up down then over the ocean, then back across us to the opposite horizon out of sight. I had binoculars. And when we walked away I turned around and said here it comes, my sister two nephews and a niece all turned around and it was back to where…

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