Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation to the case, and is offered here for informational purposes. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following summary of their sighting: Large ball of light come across I thought it was a plane at first flying low but it just kept coming closer until it was above me and one of my good friends. Then it just stopped mid air, flashed and shot up in the air at kind of like an arch and…

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Case File Status: Inconclusive, due to lack of video or photographic evidence Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault/TBV Investigations on 06/19/2019 and was assigned to investigator Jim Kerr for analysis and investigation. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following statement. “My male Basenji had to go outside, so I took him out the garage door that opens up to the backyard on the left side. I had our house lights on, but they didn’t shine far from the back area near the houseitself and driveway, front. I noticed all of a sudden a brilliant whitish-yellowish light…

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Case File Status: Information Case Only; No Formal Investigation Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation to the case, and is offered here for informational purposes. Witness Testimony My daughter and I were heading westbound on Mass pike around 2:30 AM when we saw this bright orange glowing object that was completely stationary. We took a couple of pics although I wish we had gotten a video. The picture looks completely different than how it actually appeared to us. From our perspective, it looked like a stationary ball of…

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Background The attached photograph was found by Black Vault user “Willease” who submitted it here for dissemination to the public. Additional details and some analysis are below. The Photograph Original Photograph: (Download a raw .tif file released by NASA. Note: File size is 190MB) Cropped / Zoomed / Rotated Photograph: Image Analysis The following were submitted by “Willease.” Photograph Data Available NASA Photo ID AS09-22-3325 Focal Length 80mm Date taken 1969.03.08 Time taken 20:01:00 GMT Country or Geographic Name: USA-ARIZONA Features: SNOW COVERED CHUSKA MTNS Cloud Cover Percentage: 80 (76-100)% Sun Elevation Angle: 50° Sun Azimuth: ° Camera: Hasselblad…

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Grant Cameron dissects what role money plays in the present day push for “disclosure.” Is To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) motivated simply the money? Is it a mixed back of what their agenda is? Grant weighs in on the history of some of the same names appearing again and again… and the one common theme? They go where the money is. This snippet is from a much larger live stream. Check out the full interview and show at: — Support this live stream / radio show and website for as little as $1 a month,…

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