Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Fraudulent report submitted to MUFON. Witness plagiarized a photo owned by Jim Kerr. Background This report prepared by Jim Kerr, TBV Investigtions On 12/29/2018, I was reviewing MUFON case files on the Facebook group “MUFON Global.” When I saw MUFON case number 93741, I immediately recognized the craft in the photo as a still photo/video-frame from the video I shot back on July 24, 2013, at 9:00 pm. in the Antelope Valley, Ca. I downloaded the photo’s from the MUFON investigation, compared them to my photo, and they are a match. The Evidence MUFON investigated, and published the…

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Case File Status: Solved, Astronomical-Star Background On 01/16/2019, the witness called the TBV Investigations Hot-Line and requested an investigator contact her so she could report a UFO sighting. The case was assigned to TBV Investigator Jim Kerr for investigation and analysis. Witness Testimony On 01/31/2018 at 4:35 pm, I contacted the witness by phone. She stated she couldn’t talk and provided her email address for communication. Multiple times I attempted to contact her by email for her statement and to answer questions. The only response was two emails containing video footage of the UFO she observed. Additionally, during our initial…

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Case File Status: Solved; Astronomical, Planet Venus Background Witness submitted the following case to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on 01/18/2019 at 11:06 am. The case was assigned to TBV Investigator Jim Kerr for investigation and analysis. Witness Testimony The witness stated in essence on 12/19.2018 at 4:00 am he awoke due to a dream he was having involving aliens. He went downstairs to his kitchen and looked out the window and saw a strange light that appeared to be 5-10 times larger than a star. He went back upstairs then 20 minutes later he decided to go outside,…

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Case File Status: Unresolved, Lacks Sufficient Video/Photographic Evidence Background Witness Scott Dyer submitted the following case to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on 11/06/2018 at 3:58 am PST. The case was assigned to TBV Investigator Jim Kerr for investigation and analysis. Witness Testimony On November 6, 2018, the witness submitted the following testimony Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018, my wife and I were out working it the yard painting our Cabana which has an N.W. to S.E. placement. Approximately 1542 with a somewhat clear sky’s the moon was up and visible to the S.E. between two layers of clouds, I…

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Case File Status: Undetermined Lacks Sufficient Evidence No Witness Contact Background The following case was originally submitted to the Black Vault and was assigned to TBV Investigations Researcher Richard Kidd for analysis. Witness Testimony “It was a long time ago.I was standing on the dunes on lake Michigan. Looking eastward. about 4 pm, clear day sunny sky. Brick red rectangle still in the sky over the lighthouse. about 100 ft above the lighthouse, about 100 by 300 ft in size. Had angle beams on the side, looked like circle windows on side. also large rivets and metal pieces of various…

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