Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Undetermined, Lack of Evidence and No Witness Contact After Report Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. It was assigned to Monica Salazar for analysis and investigation. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following testimony: “My friends and I were walking across campus to get food when one of my friends spotted a triangular object in the sky. I only saw the triangular object for about 15 seconds so I was not able to snap a picture, but I attached a sketch of what the object looked like. The triangle was…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable, Lacks Sufficient Information Background This case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on August 3, 2018. It was assigned to investigator Paul Wright for analysis and investigation. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following report: “Went outside to leave for work and looked up and their it was.” The Evidence The witness submitted the following video with their short testimony above. It is offered here, unedited: The Analysis By Paul Wright, TBV Investigations Using just the video evidence and no further contact with the witness since initial report submission, I will attempt…

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Case File Status: Information Only / No Formal Investigation Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation due to the age of the sighting, but is archived here for reference and informational purposes. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following testimony regarding their sighting: “I was visiting my aunt in Colorado when this happened. I was laying on the picnic table on her back porch looking into the sky. Blue skies, only a few clouds present. I noticed an object hovering about 100 to 150ft above me. It was a…

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Case File Status: Information Only / No Formal Investigation Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. There was no formal investigation due to the age of the sighting, but is archived here for reference and informational purposes. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following testimony regarding their sighting: “I was driving on 16th when I had an overwhelming strange feeling I was being fallowed I’m clocking 50MPH with no one in my rear view mirror and I can`t shake the felling so I lean over the wheel and look up and see a light…

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Case File Status: Hoax/Explained, Evidence Below Background The following case file report was written by TBV Investigations’ researcher Jim Kerr. On October 28th, 2018, at approx 4:23 am, Esteban Zavala posted a live video to Instagram showing what he stated to be 5 UFO’s hovering over the city of Rosarito, Baja California. It was a foggy early morning in Rosarita with multiple illuminated objects that appeared to be hovering approx 100 ft above the ground. Later that day Zavala posted the same Instagram video titled, “UFO’s Hovering in Rosarito 2018”, to his YouTube channel named Esteban Zavala, (refer to the…

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