Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Undetermined, Lacks Sufficient Evidence Background This case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on 09/20/2018 7:42 pm. It was assigned to investigator Paul Wright for analysis and investigation. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following original report: “I went to my patio door to let my cat in when I looked up to the west and saw what I first thought was a satellite, or a large bright star. As I watched it, it occurred to me that if it was a satellite then why is it still, so just guessed it was a star but…

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Case File Status: Solved; Landing lights from aircraft Background The following case was submitted by witness John to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on 07/03/2018 at 1:42 am and was assigned to TBV Investigations’ researcher Jim Kerr for investigation and analysis. Witness Testimony The following testimony was submitted by the witness: “It was a cloudy Monday; I was going to take a break outside, when I spotted a light in the sky that moved, I took the opportunity to film it and take photos on the object. It moved before disappearing, disproving that it’s a meteor or asteroids. It…

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Case File Status: Explained Background On October 26, 2018, this case was submitted to The Black Vault. It was assigned to TBV Investigations’ research Jeremy Enfinger for analysis. Witness Testimony The witness/photographer submitted the following information: I was picking my grandchildren up from elementary school when I noticed everybody looking up in the sky I too looked up there and saw what I saw on the photos. The sighting date listed above (in the initial report) is wrong it was in 2014 I believe it was April. I couldn’t change sighting date on your program. The sighting was reported to…

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Case File Status: Undetermined, Lacks Sufficient Evidence Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. It originally came into the hotline, and was assigned to TBV Investigations’ researcher Richard Kidd for analysis. Witness Testimony The following was submitted by the witness: “My neighbor Joe and I were enjoying several beers on my porch located in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Shortly after midnight, we observed approx 6-7 LARGE Bright Orange Lights hovering in various formations over the homes across the street. These extremely bright objects seemed to appear and then slowly dim and disappear at will, and at…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on May 19, 2018. It was assigned to TBV Investigations’ researcher Michael Glenn for analysis. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following report: “At approximately 19:30 on May 17, 2018 I saw something extremely bright horizontal to the setting sun. I’ve seen sundogs before and have many photographs of them. This was no sundog. It hung in the air. It was huge. It had a shape. I ran inside and grabbed my phone and snapped a few shots. I also manipulated a…

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