Author: John Greenewald

Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on March 2, 2018. It has no formal investigation, and is archived here for reference purposes. Witness Testimony The following was submitted by the witness: “That night the electricity went off at 4:00 am. at 4:40 I decided to turn on the electric generator, and when I was on my way to the backyard to turn it on, I saw a very bright light in the sky. I though It was a planet and kept staring at it. Lo and behold the light began to “dance”. I…

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Background This case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on February 16, 2018. It is archived here with no formal investigation. Witness Testimony The witness submitted the following information: “9-10pm it was pretty dark because it was basically all country highway. A few streetlights between fields and trees and small lakes. The sighting was quick. I have no idea what way it was facing. I have no idea if anyone noticed it. There wasn’t a car in sight on my side of the road. The other side was pretty empty I don’t recall any other cars. Exactly…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable Background This case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on 06/11/2018 4:26 am. It was assigned to investigator Paul Wright for analysis. Witness Testimony The following was submitted by the witness: “On the night of May 30th, 2018, I was driving home from the gym with my wife and we saw a bright light in the sky that initially we thought was the moon. It was really far away and very high in the sky. We then saw the object coming closer at a fast rate of speed and was rapidly descending. It…

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Case File Status: Unidentified Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on August 1, 2018. It was shot by an amateur astronomer / photographer taking a video of the moon. The video was submitted for analysis, and due to the nature of the video, it was assigned to multiple investigators for multiple perspectives. Lead Case Investigator: Monica Salazar Additional Analysis done by: Jim Kerr, Michael Glenn, Paul Wright and Joey Miller Witness Testimony The following was the original testimony, as submitted by the witness. It was sent to John Greenewald, Jr. of The Black…

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Background On August 29-30, 2014 two men were on a fishing/camping trip at an Ohio state park (Salt Fork, Cambridge, Ohio). The older man (43) was accompanied by a young man (19) who was a friend of his daughter. The older man is a construction worker who owns his own business. They were camped by the lake shore with chairs about two feet from the water, and would routinely stoke the fire every hour. There was no one else in the vicinity. Late in the evening the two men saw a light low in the sky. It moved back and…

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