Author: John Greenewald

The following was written by Stanton Friedman in April 2004. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. Update on Operation Majestic 12 Documents By Stanton T. Friedman It should be no surprise that the various highly classified Operation Majestic 12 or Majic-12 or MJ-12 documents have been attacked since their existence was first made public. Equally unsurprising is the fact that a number of phony or hoax or fraudulent MJ-12 documents have been released as well. Clearly if the original documents: The Eisenhower Briefing Document (EBD) of November 18, 1952; the Truman-Forrestal…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman in May 2005. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. Government UFO Lies by Stanton T. Friedman ABSTRACT For almost sixty years the public has been hearing about flying saucers and then UFOs. Press coverage has ebbed and flowed, but polls have always shown a very high awareness score. Motion pictures, tabloids, and TV programs have picked up the slack with a mélange of fiction and some truth. Unfortunately, much of what we have been told by the “powers that be” has been false. Many…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman in May 2002. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. UFOs: Challenge to SETI Specialists by Nuclear Physicist / Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman Major news media and many members of the scientific community have taken strongly to the radio-telescope-based SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program as espoused by its charismatic leaders, but not supported by any evidence whatsoever. In turn, perhaps understandably, they feel it necessary to attack the ideas of alien visitors (UFOs) as though they were based on tabloid nonsense instead of on…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman in circa 2021. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. UFO Propulsion Systems By Stanton T. Friedman If we deduce from the mountain of evidence that some flying saucers come to earth from nearby solar systems (there are one thousand stars within fifty-five light-years, forty-six of which are like the sun), we are immediately faced with two questions: (1) How can a spaceship travel from a nearby solar system to earth in a reasonable time? (2) Once here, how can flying saucers behave the way they are…

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The following was written by Stanton Friedman on May 1, 2002. It is part of The Stanton Friedman Collection as archived here on The Black Vault. My Letter to the New York Times By Stanton Friedman The following article was published in the New York Times weekly Science section. The author is head of the physics department at Case Western University. Odds Are Stacked When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience By LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS I vividly remember the first time I was hijacked on the radio. I had agreed to participate in a debate for a Florida radio program that specialized in alien…

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