Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Ongoing, Pending Additional Photo Analysis and Testing of Actual Camera Used Background On October 22, 2016, this case was submitted to The Black Vault.  The photographer, submitted the following information: “This picture was taken by my wife with a digital camera and tells me there was nobody around or behind when the photo was taken. She was also sat with 3 other people facing me that says the same. I showed this pic to the hotel a few weeks after and they tell me of ghost activity in the hotel. I had the pic examined by a…

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Case File Status: Not Investigated, Informational Case File Only Background The following case was submitted to TBV Investigations on May 11, 2018. The witness is seeking advice and help from those with similar experiences. Due to the nature of the story, along with the evidence, this was not investigated (for now) by the team at TBV Investigations, but is being added to the database for informational purposes only. If anyone would like to add their opinion on this case, or possible offer advice to the witness, I would use the comment boxes below. Please be respectful. Witness Testimony The following…

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Case File Status: Unidentified – Lacks Sufficient Evidence Background On December 18, 2017, the following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations. It was assigned to investigator Tiffany Hahn, then to investigator Richard Kidd for final analysis. The report below was written by Richard Kidd, and chronicles the investigation into the case. Witness Testimony “While my son and I were returning from his job in San Leandro (he was 15 at that time) he said to me “mom, what’s that?” in a very slow and perplexed manner. As I was driving on the freeway, with not…

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Background by John Greenewald, Jr., The Black Vault One of the first programs I produced for television was entitled, “UFO Files: UFOs and the White House” which aired on the History Channel. I was the Associate Producer on the show, and I had the pleasure of visiting the Ronald Reagan Library to take a look at his Presidential Records for use in the program. While researching the speech he gave to the United Nations where he referenced “an alien threat,” I made an interesting discovery in his own handwriting making sure what he called his “fantasy” stayed in the speech. This…

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Case File Status: Unidentified Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on March 14, 2018. It was assigned to TBV Investigation’s researcher Jeremy Enfinger for analysis. Witness Testimony The following is the original witness testimony submitted to The Black Vault by the witness (unedited): “First two pictures September 19, 2016 was of something I saw for the lack of better words and up disintegrating this is why I thought it was but not sure. The second picture I sent was on September 1, 2016 eight object in the sky I could not explain and…

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