Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Unidentified, Lacks Sufficient Evidence for Proper Identification Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault’s UFO hotline on February 16, 2018. It was assigned to TBV Investigations’ researcher Richard Kidd. Witness Testimony I have seen a few things in my 57 years for sure. The problem with UFOs is your left at your witts end guessing at what you may have looked upon, then of course doubting if you should discuss it with others. I believe what I saw was USAF experimental some new design concept craft. What I witnessed the night I called Black…

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Case File Status: Insufficient Evidence, No Return Contact by Witness Background This case came through the TBV Investigations UFO Report Form. It was assigned to TBV Investigations researcher Michael Glenn. Upon reading the account this investigator asked for more specific details, and at this time none have been forthcoming from the witness. After one month, we have closed the case due to insufficient contact, and insufficient evidence to make a viable conclusion. Witness Testimony “At first I thought it was a weather balloon in the sky. It looked shiny, clear and kinda metallic completely round. Then like a moon eclipsing…

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Case File Status: Explained Background The witness to these encounters, which would like to remain anonymous, submitted multiple videos and photographs of alleged alien encounters. Although the first encounter was originally published without investigation, and was archived on The Black Vault for information purposes, TBV Investigations’ Jeremy Enfinger took over investigation when additional information was submitted by the witness. Below, you will find the breakdown of Jeremy’s investigation. Investigator’s Commentary Communication with the witness thus far has been strictly written, mostly via email. I have not yet had the opportunity to have a conversation to discuss witness experiences such as…

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Background This listing is developed from one that was published in U.F.O.I.C. Newsletter, Australia, and re-printed in the Fall 1973 issue of Flying Saucers. Sources of further sightings include:  Richard L.Thompson ‘Alien Identities’ (orig.source ‘The UFO Evidence’); ‘Flying Saucers Over America’ (collection of newspaper cuttings); Robert Loftin ‘Identified Flying Saucers’; ‘Flying Saucer Review’s World Roundup of UFO Sightings and Events’; Desmond Leslie’s section of ‘Flying Saucers Have Landed’; Richard Hall ‘From Airships To Arnold’; Harold T.Wilkins ‘Flying Saucers On The Moon’ and ‘Flying Saucers Uncensored’; Jimmy Guieu ‘Flying Saucers Come From Another World’; Kevin Randle ‘Project Blue Book Exposed’; ‘165 Little Known…

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Case File Status: Probable Hoax- Photos Digitally Manipulated and/or Enhanced Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations.  The witness submitted the following testimony: Witness Testimony “I was randomly shooting the moon with my Canon SX60HS which can zoom into craters on the moon. I had it on auto, no particular settings other than 3 shot burst. I did not see the object when I clicked the shutter, it was only later when looking over the images of the day. What I captured I kept to myself, a few friends and family. Posted it to…

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