Author: John Greenewald

Case File Status: Information Only, Insufficient Evidence Background The following UFO report was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 19, 2017. Due to the age of the sighting, and lack of visual evidence, the case is added here without scrutiny, and used for reference and archival purposes. TBV Investigations’ Freddy Alvisi contributed to this report. Witness Testimony My friends and I were outside playing in my front yard. It was dark, around 9pm. It was 3 friends of mine and myself. We were outside wrestling and cutting up. We looked up above us and there it…

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Case File Status: Unidentified, Insufficient Evidence Background The following UFO report was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 19, 2017. It was assigned to Jeremy Enfinger, TBV Investigations. Witness Testimony The following was the original report submitted by the witness: “On estimated date of Aug 5, 2008, at 4:05 AM, I walked onto the front porch to get some fresh air. Sitting at the East bannister and looking directly over my porch portico at about a 60 degree angle-from-horizontal to the West, I observed a circle of light grow from a pinpoint to about the size…

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Background The following UFO report was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on February 15, 2018. Due to the age of the sighting, and lack of visual evidence, the case is added here without scrutiny, and used for reference and archival purposes. Witness Testimony “I don’t remember the exact date, but I know that it was in the early 1980s, around 10:30 – 11 pm during the summer. My friend, Kim and I were outside lying on our backs looking at the stars & talking. There was a street light on in front of the house next door…

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Case File Status: Likely Explainable Background The following case was submitted to The Black Vault on February 18, 2018. The case was assigned to TBV Investigations team member Jeremy Enfinger for investigation. Witness Testimony According to the witness: “Sighting occurred while filming my cat while my now ex girlfriend and I were temporarily living at her grandmother’s house while she was in a nursing home. We were having a stupid conversation about cats and how awful it sounds when they have sex. lol. While we were filming and talking a bright blue object shoots across the screen from right to…

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Background The following UFO report was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on December 19, 2017. Due to the age of the sighting, and lack of visual evidence, the case is added here without scrutiny, and used for reference and archival purposes. Witness Testimony Large circular object. No rotation of object noted. Moving very slowly at perhaps 10 mph. Grayish in color with large highly illuminated enclosed circular deck on bottom of craft. No nighttime running lights, no noise or other sounds noted. Very impressive. One other witness who has since died. Sighting lasted about 2 minutes at…

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